Saturday, November 3, 2012

"And all your Little Things"

Little Things is just such a perfect song, it makes me die inside<3<3<3:)


When ur gunna hang out with your 'ex best friend'....

Yes!!! Please make one!:)

If a "Rock Me" Music video is made.....

That Moment When-------

When your old teacher is looking up 1D songs for you and your friend and is like "Isnt that a weird name" (referring to One Direction). And you and your friend say "NO" at the same time, and look at eachother like " did he really just say that!"

Haha...Lets try to make a teacher a Directioner:)

So after school on like Thursday or something me and my friend were waiting for our other friend(who isnt a directioner!) to take a test , so we decide to go see our old teacher, and we start writing One Direction stuff on the board and start talking to him about them and making him turn on there music (WMYB) while we sing really loud!!!! And  one of our current teachers comes in and is watching us then we start talking to both of them about 1D....Then when he leaves we turn on LWWY and start singing really loud again and then this guy comes and looks at us like were crazy!, so when we finally leave we tell our old teacher to keep it on the board for his classes to see the next day, and of course the next day when we go in there in the morning  its gone and these stupid  girls a year younger than us are talking to the teacher and us and there like JUSTIN BIEBERS BETTER!!! and were just like oh no ONE DIRECTIONS WAY BETTER!!! and then im like what kind of name is Justin Bieber and their like thats his real name...(well no dur dip wads!) So i say well One Directions names are better and walk away, BUT NO!!! they just keep going and say YEA NEILL!! in a b****y voice so i run in say ITS NIALL!!!!! And run out....Oh and then after school that guy walks by us and says please dont sing again!!! and we say on Monday we will, and then i start singing Live While Were Young to annoy him...:) haha

image    happy endings gif

Oh my gosh, When this happens...Alot!(:

When your in class and the teacher says something that reminds you of One Direction so you look over at ur directioner friend, and well you both just have that look on your face, and u know your both thinking the same thing.....

This is just a wee bit creepy.....

Now i did, i did just realize a little bit ago that there is some creeper stalker girl that randomly pops up goes back down and crawls away in the WMYB video.....WTF!.....And when i went to watch the video again to see if shes actually there....SHE WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How did i not notice this....Im creeped out!.....also i just wanna take a moment to realize that i also noticed Niall and Zayn were wearing Nikes......(BTW the chick pops up around like 1:02, so go LOOK IT UP!)