Sunday, December 23, 2012

This really annoys the shit outta me

Ok so i really hate when people who really dont even know much about the boys, and people who just started to like them try and act like they know everything and try and tell you things that you either already know, or something that is just wrong!!! Like it really pisses me no just stop, go learn your freakin facts, and then you can maybe actually come back with some damn knowledge!


Little Mix :)

Why is Little Mix not popular in the USA?... Like they really need to be popular here!!!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

When Ur...

Tardy friend forgets her password to her blog


oh wait did we remember???

Monday, December 17, 2012

Pree Much.....


KASSIDY!!! look who it is!!!!!

Oh Walmart...:)

It just has so much One Direction stuff, i just love it!!!


Okay so what ever happened to the Kiss You video coming out today?? I thought it was coming out today!!!! I was REALLY looking forward to it, like i was freaking out and getting all excited!!! And now i hear it is not coming out til the 7th of  January..... ughh i want the video to come out now!!!

Probably not.:)..But you know if you do, you should like comment or something........

Once again...does any one even read this blog??? haha!!:))

Story of Haylor....

HaHa!!!!!:)) truee dat...

Sunday, December 16, 2012

No, No, Taylor there is no need for this...... Just no...

What is this CRAP!?!?! Do they really expect us people to believe this shit!!!! Nah man this is dumb A'F!

...Weeeeeeeelllll cant wait to see how this all turns out, Cough Cough bullshit!!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Payzer!!:)...and then we have Haylor..:/

I think YES!!!

I think NO!!!

Just saying...wouldnt you be busy Fangirlg??? I would....:)

OK so people...if ur at a One Direction concert, can i ask WHY THE HELL ARE YOU POSTING ON TUMBLR/TWITTER??? i mean like take the pictures and videos and just post them after the concert..... and while your there like c'mon take it all in...


I wanna cry.....although who doesnt right now......???//

Once A Directioner Always One!!:))

Membering the first time my friend called One Direction, "the boy's" and me cracking up like da fuqqq, but the thing is now I always refeer to them as "the boy's." <3 :)