Sunday, December 23, 2012

This really annoys the shit outta me

Ok so i really hate when people who really dont even know much about the boys, and people who just started to like them try and act like they know everything and try and tell you things that you either already know, or something that is just wrong!!! Like it really pisses me no just stop, go learn your freakin facts, and then you can maybe actually come back with some damn knowledge!


Little Mix :)

Why is Little Mix not popular in the USA?... Like they really need to be popular here!!!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

When Ur...

Tardy friend forgets her password to her blog


oh wait did we remember???

Monday, December 17, 2012

Pree Much.....


KASSIDY!!! look who it is!!!!!

Oh Walmart...:)

It just has so much One Direction stuff, i just love it!!!


Okay so what ever happened to the Kiss You video coming out today?? I thought it was coming out today!!!! I was REALLY looking forward to it, like i was freaking out and getting all excited!!! And now i hear it is not coming out til the 7th of  January..... ughh i want the video to come out now!!!

Probably not.:)..But you know if you do, you should like comment or something........

Once again...does any one even read this blog??? haha!!:))

Story of Haylor....

HaHa!!!!!:)) truee dat...

Sunday, December 16, 2012

No, No, Taylor there is no need for this...... Just no...

What is this CRAP!?!?! Do they really expect us people to believe this shit!!!! Nah man this is dumb A'F!

...Weeeeeeeelllll cant wait to see how this all turns out, Cough Cough bullshit!!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Payzer!!:)...and then we have Haylor..:/

I think YES!!!

I think NO!!!

Just saying...wouldnt you be busy Fangirlg??? I would....:)

OK so people...if ur at a One Direction concert, can i ask WHY THE HELL ARE YOU POSTING ON TUMBLR/TWITTER??? i mean like take the pictures and videos and just post them after the concert..... and while your there like c'mon take it all in...


I wanna cry.....although who doesnt right now......???//

Once A Directioner Always One!!:))

Membering the first time my friend called One Direction, "the boy's" and me cracking up like da fuqqq, but the thing is now I always refeer to them as "the boy's." <3 :)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

"And all your Little Things"

Little Things is just such a perfect song, it makes me die inside<3<3<3:)


When ur gunna hang out with your 'ex best friend'....

Yes!!! Please make one!:)

If a "Rock Me" Music video is made.....

That Moment When-------

When your old teacher is looking up 1D songs for you and your friend and is like "Isnt that a weird name" (referring to One Direction). And you and your friend say "NO" at the same time, and look at eachother like " did he really just say that!"

Haha...Lets try to make a teacher a Directioner:)

So after school on like Thursday or something me and my friend were waiting for our other friend(who isnt a directioner!) to take a test , so we decide to go see our old teacher, and we start writing One Direction stuff on the board and start talking to him about them and making him turn on there music (WMYB) while we sing really loud!!!! And  one of our current teachers comes in and is watching us then we start talking to both of them about 1D....Then when he leaves we turn on LWWY and start singing really loud again and then this guy comes and looks at us like were crazy!, so when we finally leave we tell our old teacher to keep it on the board for his classes to see the next day, and of course the next day when we go in there in the morning  its gone and these stupid  girls a year younger than us are talking to the teacher and us and there like JUSTIN BIEBERS BETTER!!! and were just like oh no ONE DIRECTIONS WAY BETTER!!! and then im like what kind of name is Justin Bieber and their like thats his real name...(well no dur dip wads!) So i say well One Directions names are better and walk away, BUT NO!!! they just keep going and say YEA NEILL!! in a b****y voice so i run in say ITS NIALL!!!!! And run out....Oh and then after school that guy walks by us and says please dont sing again!!! and we say on Monday we will, and then i start singing Live While Were Young to annoy him...:) haha

image    happy endings gif

Oh my gosh, When this happens...Alot!(:

When your in class and the teacher says something that reminds you of One Direction so you look over at ur directioner friend, and well you both just have that look on your face, and u know your both thinking the same thing.....

This is just a wee bit creepy.....

Now i did, i did just realize a little bit ago that there is some creeper stalker girl that randomly pops up goes back down and crawls away in the WMYB video.....WTF!.....And when i went to watch the video again to see if shes actually there....SHE WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How did i not notice this....Im creeped out!.....also i just wanna take a moment to realize that i also noticed Niall and Zayn were wearing Nikes......(BTW the chick pops up around like 1:02, so go LOOK IT UP!)

Sunday, October 28, 2012

That moment when....

When ur listening to a song on the radio then change the station and LWWY is just ending.....
When ur sitting at the computer and on ur phone and the tv is on behind you and when you finally relize the One Direction and Drew Brees pepsi commircial is on,... its just ending.....):

Monday, October 22, 2012

That moment when...

'Your about to forgive someone but then someone eles comes along and f**ks it up."

DA FUQQQ did i just read!??!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Y'all aint no pack of crackahhs!

People who talk shit on One Direction obvi doesnt know what being  HOT and having TALENT is!!!!!

Why do they do that to me?!????:/

So i was in the car with my sister and her friend and my sis is driving and the radio says something abt 1D and i scream and my sis looks back and knows its coming then i scream againg when it starts playing their song and her stupid friend is like What the f***!? And  then they tell you you cant sing with it or they will turn it off!

(: Lol, dang i just wanted to fangirl....

So it was like  wednesday and i was in PE 2nd period and i think the radio was on 105.7 and we were playing team handball and next thing you know What Makes You Beautiful comes on so i turn to my friend who wasnt playing, with my mouth open and my hands out in front of me and she looked at me and laughed cuase she knew what was going on, so after a couple seconds i snapped out of it and was freaking out inside i just wanted to scream and start dancing and singing!... but i couldnt cause i was in pe and ppl would look at me like DA FUQQ:/

Monday, October 15, 2012

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Dont be a Playah, Hatah

If you hate me i really dont care if u hate my friends i dont care either they were just trying to be a good friend for me and quite frankly i like her more than i am liking you right now.... So if this is the end of this friendship than okay whatever u want!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Time To Move on :)

Sometimes when you have a friend that moves away, you just need to realize
that they may not be the "best friend" you ever had and if they were you would try and make a good effort to stay in contact with them, but if you just dont wanna talk to them because they just dont get you like all your other friends get you, then dont! I mean you call you text, but it just isnt enough. And there is really no point in wasting your time for someone who doesnt wanna talk to you and thinks your mean. And if they do think that its not true! We all have our own opions, and dont waste your breath if 'you' dont even wanna talk to them.

I mean this blog used to be called "We R Directioners" and me and my friend shared it, but she dont post on it, she has her own blog. So i changed the name to what it currently is because we constantly fight! And if someone post's something hateful about you dont be mad just push it away. They are obviously not true friends!!! But i mean you always needa rember there are friends who love ya and will always be there for you, so dont lose hope!! <3

But it's time to move on  from those people and forget, just keep living you life with your real friends. You will always have those things you remeber about that person and you will think back and laugh about them, cry about them, smile about them... And sometimes you just needa thank this person for getting me to like new things, and for being a friend, but lets be real- It's time to move on from this friend... It's what you want. :)

Monday, October 8, 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012

LWWY on the Radio, finally :)

Im listening to the radio and im just waiting and waiting for LWWY to come on, and it finally did so  i screamed really loud, turned it up full volume and started singing and dancingg around lol.. Finally. Made my night (:

Thursday, September 27, 2012


HAHA when ur friends get really mean and CRANKY at you on the phone, you just wanna slap them through the phone!....I mean can we just not have ONE productive conversation on the telephone????

OK guess not!!!

Ha. Whos this sound like??!///

Yea i can post, gotta problem????
HMM wonder who i am????????

When this happens...(:

  This is me when someone tells me to look up some random guy THEY think is hot...^

This is me when someone says look something up about One Direction:)^^^^^

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Lol!! so true!!!

How Freakin Blond Could I Be?!?

^^^That is exactally how i feel right now^^^
Ok so basically how dang stupid could i be, whenever im online looking up One Direction and i see something about WMYB i alwayss thought, "oh what song is that, i needa look that up sometime cause i dont know what it is." Untill i finally figure out, omg that stands for What Makes You Beutiful!!! Of corse ive heard it!!! Wow im such a blond!!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

"Na Na Na"

The moment when ur friend says "Na na na should be ur guy's song because u always fight then make up" and like 20 minutes later gets mad at you!! Yea thats cool....

Suck it up BTR!!!!!

Haha. Yes, this is how Big time rush acts when they cant get back stage to see One Direction!!!!

Thats right were young!!


"And have a celebration, a celebration,The music up, the windows down"


Walking down the street and you see Demi Lavoto.
"I hate Demi Lavoto!" You yell.
"Oh looks like I got another hater. Better go back to rehab."

Yeah, sh*t gets 'cray' when you bring up Demi.
<3 Kassidy

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Dont/do hold it against????

Okay so fighting with your friends, can just be...plain stupid, there is no dang point so why hold it against people.<?>

Long Post= pretty much done...?

Umm. why, arent we just done with it i mean did u read my really long post, i mean what is it gunna be about


-' <----- whatever the hell that means.... /:
and i'm done for the night alright? and i never said i was perfect alright? why dont we just delete our blog since we obviously cant get along on it for even a day. i'm just sick and tired of this so called drama that neither of us started. ryelea did. alright? well goodbye.

Not the point...

That wasent really the point of that whole long post....


How about that uhhhuh, nobodys perfect "LOU" okay, and im not stupid, i may be blond, and not the smartist, but lets no take it to far...

I never said..

that it had to be all about 1D. I thought thats why you wanted to - it can be about what ever we want it to be about but I'm not going to fight with you through that 'Nialler'. My blog isn't just about 1D.. I just don't have anything else to post about other than them right now. -Kassidy/Lou

Dont be Mad, There is really no Point...

Okay so no drama people... even if you think there is there really isent, ugh i mean you have a blog all abt them already, this would make me laugh even if it wasent true! Really there is no need to get offended i mean Lea isent even here with me right now so why be mad at me i mean i dont change when im with others and if u think that there is no point..... i mean do we olny gotta post about 1D or can we mix it up a lil i mean i <3 them tons, but if ur gunna say imma change when im with others why talk to me then i mean i really dont change i hate change but okay you go with that its not true and i dont why you dont get it okay i havent seen u for a while so ya we needa hang but im busy with things sometimes so its gotta be when im not busy....and i am next weekend so why dont u just try and plan it when im free, okay??? lets not start a whole pot of drama here o.k.?


I'm not continuing on with the drama that I have NO FREAKING IDEA what about. Alright? Said. Done.

Think About This

Okay. Wow. That is just so funny because i had to force you to help me i could tell you dident want too! and BTW we can just keep changing the name of this blog all day, try it


I know you had plans. I do have more friends than just you you know. I do admit sometimes I do too. But if I was jelous of hanging out with Ryelea then why would I help you get her over? Think about it. -Kassidy


Jealousy is such a funny thing, sometimes friends go and be friends with more than just one person...i mean you should always have more than ONE friend! and then people get jealous there is really no point beacuase that doesent mean im not ur friend and i mean at least i can admitt i do this too!! ... I mean i know some people just keep asking to hang out! and then u hang with someone eles. Im SO sorry i had plans for school stuff!!!


Yeah. I do admit. I said 'mate' but I don't anymore. Why are you making such a big freaking deal of it?


Directioner's fight about different things, just cause some people think they know everything dosent mean they do, its called JUST DONT LISTEN TO THEM!!!

Wow ur Cool...(sarcasume)

Wow! Immature i guess Cause' i think people would laugh when they read us fighting!!!! I mean c'mon like you say things then take em' back...No point!i like this name its interesting!!!


This is a Directioner blog. And who would want to read about 2 chicks fighting? I wouldn't. Yeah, Directioners do fight... OVER WHICH ONE THEY LIKE not the words 'obvs' or 'mate'

Directioners Fight Too.

Good name right here!!!! "Directioners Fight Too."

Any Readers!>??!

Does anyone even read this blog!???!!? i mean cause if anyone even does whats ur intake on what it should be about!<?!?>

Girl Fights

What boys...can you not just say One Direction!??, and "obvs" you dont because we dident do anything to you..... I cant Belive you would even really accuse me of something that stupid!??! Maybe we should rename the blog "GIRL FIGHTS"!!!!! kk...?

But I Do.

I do know you. But your attitude toward me changes when your with other people. Like the whole Karlee thing.
P.S. This blog souldn't be about our problems when we made it meant to be for/about 'the boys'.

You dont know me...

Okay well first of all im not popular, and why does it matter...I mean i dont change for others and if you wanna say i do than i guess u dont think imma real friend...OK i guess you dont know me!

Frankly, Why Bother?

Just because I'm not perfect or I'm not popular means that I don't change myself for others. I am myself. I am what I am. You don't like that? I don't care. But don't go around spreading lies and calling me names.

Friends????? uh i dident change

Okay so some people who are ur friends think you act different when ur not alone or with them...i really dont know how you get that, i mean i could be with someone every day and chuu wouldent know!...just saying:0

Saturday, September 22, 2012

In Responce..

The hell are we fighting about?
-Call me a elephant.. IDC cuz'
-Remove me as a friend on facebook? Well..
-AND I have no clue why you are md at me and we are fighting.
Also, I will NOT stop adding GIFS becuz they just make everythin funnier.

Umm u said that caiden and ryelea were "snogging"...and how do u post those moving pic things!??
umm yes chuu are!!! what eles would you be!?!?!?!?!
umm. dude. ur friggin America!
Birds??? not us chuu!!!
To the wanna be British Loser- You love Caiden's biscut

He's still hot when he's smooched(:

You know you would totally do this if your friend... or some random stranger was on the oppisite side..(:
Just a little reason to smile.
Oh and BTW we will be posting all night long on both blogs!

Okay so everyone, dont read the blog I am Kassidy...just saying:)

Start Off...(:

I want to be in that bubble with Niall....(:
